Wednesday 6 May 2015

Urgh - It is not going well.

On Wednesday and Thursday I had my daughter round.  That was its normal brilliance.  We had a great time together.  On Thursday afternoon I received a call in regard to a job I'd applied for.  I lucked out on the timing.  Willow was fast asleep having her afternoon nap.  I did need to warn the woman that she was due to wake up at any time though.

The call went very well and I have to admit that I was quite excited at the possibilities it represented.  Willow’s timing was spot on and I heard the thump from her room of her getting out of bed as the conversation was winding up.  She wandered round to me and was as good as gold.  I gave her a hug and she stood there quietly while I finished the call.

The lady said I would be contacted to arrange a time and date for an interview, Wednesday the following week was mentioned as a possibility.  All good.  I didn't hear anything Friday, Monday was a bank holiday and nothing yesterday or today.  For most of that time I've been on edge, carrying my phone with me everywhere.

It's been a long while since I've gone through this.  Before taking the time to write, I worked for the same company for a very long time.  I'm just not used to the highs and lows of job searching.

I did feel a little better this afternoon, more relaxed.  I didn't work on the new project, but I did some more on a short story I've been working on here and there.

Hopefully tomorrow will be more positive.  I'll give the company a polite chase up call and put it aside until I hear from them.

I had no idea how much my mood would affect my writing.  I've had it before in the past year, but nothing this bad.

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